Skills Used In Project:
• C# Programming
• Design Documentation Skills
• Unity UI & Animation
• QA Testing
• SFX & Music Design
• Iterative Design Process
Gameplay Description
The player can use the arrow keys to fly their character around the screen, whilst avoiding oncoming enemies, and has a choice of thunderbolts, bombs or a sword at their disposal to battle their foes. The player must unlock these weapons by ascending through the levels and killing increasingly more demons.

Initial Concepts
From the outset, this project's brief was to have a theme based around myth or folklore - I decided to base mine around Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite's 'De Coelestia Hierarchia' and particularly his view on angels. Thus, the basic setting for having to fight your way through the different levels of Hell was born.
Gameplay Description
The player can use the arrow keys to fly their character around the screen, whilst avoiding oncoming enemies, and has a choice of thunderbolts, bombs or sword at their disposal to battle their foes. The player must unlock these weapons by ascending through the levels and killing increasingly more demons.

About This Project
This project was my final submission for 1st year on the Games Design BA course at London College of Communication, University of Arts London. The project was completed over a 6 month period and went through 7 iterations before its current form. It was made in Unity Engine, using C# code to run - As this was my 1st year project, I was not allowed to use any of Unity's built-in tools, and so all mechanics and physics are hard-coded in.
Extensive documentation and planning was made for the before, during and after of this project.
To see the storyboarding and concept art, check out my Trello